The Story
My name is Jason Russ and I am the founder of M57. M57 is much more than just a jewelry company. A few years ago I was losing my best friend, my brother. He began to struggle so severely with something later diagnosed as an anxiety disorder called OCD. Although I still physically had my brother he wasn't mentally himself anymore. Things got so bad that it caused him to drop out of the university he was attending. This became a very hopeless journey that lasted around two and a half years. We went to many doctors, counselors and even tried medications, but nothing worked. Doctors and counselors would tell us that Alex had a very severe case of OCD and this will be something he will struggle with for the rest of his life. The cool thing about Alex is that he went back to the school he left a couple years back and graduated this year! Once again, I have my brother back!
Although we ran to many doctors and counselors, there was something far simpler that brought about my brother’s healing. He had a realization of his true identity. He was transformed from the inside out basically overnight. And it was reminding himself each and every day of his TRUE identity that brought him the freedom he walks in today. What I desire more than anything is to see other people just like Alex freed from life’s destructive power. We were created for something much greater. If we can have daily reminders each day of who we are then we can actually start to live out those truths. Breakthrough and freedom comes from knowing who we were created to be.
M57 creates collections and designs based on simple reminders of who we are. When you wear M57 products you are wearing more than just jewelry. You are wearing a piece of who you were created to be. We yearn for every person to realize who they are so that they may walk in the full freedom they were designed for.
As an entrepreneur, I couldn't move forward realizing that what I did yesterday wasn't changing the world today. We truly believe that everyone can see their breakthrough through these reminders. We would love to connect with you and hear your story so that we may walk alongside you in your journey of freedom!